5.1 – Oct 19, 2024
- • New Feature
The instruction "ERROR nn" with nn = 99 will cause the display to blink rapidly three times.
- • Bug Fix
In the sample program 41-Curve Fitting (Kolb), the equation for curve 3 ("Combined Linear and Hyperbolic") was incorrectly shown
as y = a + b/x + c/x instead of y = a + b•x + c/x. Tap "Restore Sample Progs" in the program list to see the change.

5.0 – Jul 2, 2024
- • New Features
– Toggle LED vs. High-Contrast display: f double-tap display
– Toggle thousand separators on/off: f triple-tap display
– Setting flag 41 causes ∑+ and ∑- to use the HP-41 locations of statistical registers.
– The trig mode indicator DEG is switched off after the selected "Pause Length".
– Added warning when attempting to alter a Sample Program.
– The trig mode indicator DEG is switched off after the selected "Pause Length".
– "FC?S nn" (renamed to "FC?S/C nn") acts as "FC?C nn" if flag 41 is set.
- • New Sample Programs
– "Holidays multilingual" shows the date of Ash Wednesday, Easter, Ascension, Whitsun, and
Corpus Christi for any year in the range 1583 to 4099 in three languages (English, Spanish, German).
– "41-Curve Fitting (Kolb)" automatically finds the best fitting curve (out of 20)
for a given set of data points.
(Download the literature)
- • Changed Instruction
– ∑SWAP41 nn (was ∑SWAP41)
Swaps the current RPN-25 statistics data block with the HP-41-compatible block at the location Rnn.
- • Bug Fixes
– Calling up the Rydberg constant in the sample program CODATA 2018• would cause a crash.
– Alignment of messages (MSG,MSGP,MSGP) could be incorrect in some cases.
– In the program listing, 4-digit literals could show up with an unwanted centered 0.

4.9 – Apr 11, 2024
- • Improved Statistics Functions
New and changed instructions can handle up to 13 statistics data blocks of 7 registers each in parallel.

4.8.1 – Feb 7, 2024
- • Bug Fix
This version fixes buttons Import and Delete not being enabled by selecting a program.

4.8 – Jan 13, 2024
- • Internal optimizations and cleanups
New sample programs are now automatically loaded when opening the list of programs.
Changed the default font for program listings from Courier New to Menlo.
- • Modified the info screen to avoid clipping by the Dynamic Island.

4.7 – Dec 19, 2023
- • Enhanced Support of Extra Functions
Tap "Details" to directly access descriptions and examples in Safari
- • Improved math functions GCD and LCM
Both functions can now have up to 4 arguments
- • Vintage Mode:
– No RCL register arithmetic
– No dotted register names, e.g. "R.5"
– No access to registers R8 and R9
– Program execution speed comparable to real HP-25
– The vintage mode setting is stored along with the program
- • Bug Fixes:
– Instructions GET SEPS and HAPTICS? now work correctly in interactive mode.
– Executing CLOCK when the clock was already running would not clear the AM/PM indicator.

4.6.5 – May 9, 2023
- • Trigonometric mode indicators:
DEG, RAD, and GRD indicators are never shown in vintage mode.
In normal mode, the default setting DEG appears only on the high-contrast display.
- • Vintage Mode:
Controlling vintage mode via "magic numbers" 19390104 and 19390105 has been removed.
- • Bug Fix: In some situations, pressing the R/S key would alter the stack.

4.6 – Apr 30, 2023
- • Vintage Mode:
Vintage Mode may now be turned on or off in Settings.
Features not available on the HP-25 are not presented anymore.
Controlling vintage mode via magic numbers 1939010x has been removed.
- • SST and BST in RUN mode:
- SST shows the current instruction as long as the key is depressed, then executes it.
- BST shows the previous instruction as long as the key is depressed, then makes the step current.
Both actions may be cancelled by dragging the finger off the key.
- Improvements:
- • The DOW (day-of-week) function does not require the display format to be set to FIX 6 anymore.
- • Decimal point and thousands separator symbols are now set according to the locale.
- • Power switch: drag left or double-tap to turn calculator off. Drag right, tap, or double-tap to turn calculator on.

4.5 – Sep 29, 2022
- • High-contrast display:
The real-time clock also shows the date and the weekday
(f PRGM-RUN: 12-hr with AM/PM, g PRGM-RUN: 24-hr)
- • New instructions:
- HAPTIC f sets the haptic level of the iPhone to level f (1…3, 0 for no haptics)
- HAPTIC? returns the current haptic level (0…3)
- Bug Fix:
- • Issues with DOW (day-of-week) function. Now works correctly for all Gregorian dates (Oct 15, 1582 and later.)

4.4 – Aug 18, 2022
- • High-contrast display:
- The mantissa of a number (g MANT) is now shown without thousands separators.
- The DOW (day-of-the-week) function shows the date as text, in addition to the day number.
- • Pressing a User Key now clears any user message, just like pressing a regular key does.
- • Numeric values shown in MSG, MSGP, MSGS instructions may now be forced to show in FIX 0 format
(by prefixing their name with "I" [capital-i]).
- • Added stack indirection (by prefixing stack register name with "i") when specifying values to show in MSG, MSGP, MSGS instructions.
- • New instructions:
- BASE? b (b = 2…9) tests if the positive integer part of X represents a valid number in base b.
- FLOOR rounds down towards negative infinity.
- CEIL rounds up towards positive infinity.
- CF0to9 clears flags F0 to F9.
- SHOW41, HIDE41 control the visibility of the flag 41 indicator..
- Convert between units of power (kW, mechanical horsepower hp, metric horsepower PS).
- • New sample programs:
Easy access to 354 named physical constants. Use it as a template for your own lookup tables.
- Boolean Functions and Base Conversions•
AND / OR / XOR / NOT operations and conversions from any base to any other (base = 2…10).
- Mixing•
Mix cold and hot liquids to obtain a specific amount of liquid at a specific intermediate temperature.
- Bug Fixes:
- • Copy/paste in PRGM mode didn't work if high-contrast mode was turned on.
- • Fixed issues with wrapping/unwrapping number literals followed by a CHS instruction.
- • The sequence of digits defining a number with an exponent that is a multiple of 10 did not translate correctly into a literal.

4.3 – July 1, 2022
- • High-contrast display
- Switch between the traditional LED display and an easy-to-read LCD-like display
- Triple-tap display or use HC DSP to switch on and off
- • New or changed instructions:
- HC DSP turns off high-contrast display if x = 0, otherwise turns it on.
- GET SEPS returns the thousands separators setting: 0 = OFF, 1 = ON
- SET SEPS sets the thousands separators setting: 0 = OFF, other = ON.
- SPEC DSP shows special pattern for x = 1…4 (LED display), or x = 1…25 (LCD display).
- CLOCK sets the appearance of the real-time clock. x = 1: 12-hr am/pm, 2: 24-hr, other: no clock
- DATE shows the clear-text weekday and date if high-contrast display is on.
The indirection character for showing register contents in MSG, MSGP, MSGS messages has been changed from "-" to "i".

4.2 – June 4, 2022
- • Quick Access to LBL and GTO / GSB
- Tap the LG button in the program list view to quickly see all labels in your program.
- Double-tap LG to see all branches to labels.
- Sort by step or item.
- Double-tap a label or branch to select the corresponding program step.
- • User Keys may now have leading blanks.
- • Suppress Auto-Start of a program by setting flag 99 before importing.
- • New instructions:
- BACK s jumps back s program steps.
- DEL Y removes y, drops stack down
- DEL Z removes z, copies t to z
- Y→ZT copies y to Z and T
- Y→T copies y to T
- Z→T copies z to T
- PRGM stops program and switches to PRGM mode
- • Sample programs:
(NOTE: Programs featuring User Keys are identified by a trailing dot (•).)
- 41-Terrestrial Geodetic Distance•
- 41-Giant Planets 2022•
- NPV & IRR• (for up to 92 cash flows)
- Solve for f/x)=0 Newton• (now with User Keys)
- Bug Fixes:
- • Stopped instruction name from appearing below display when it shouldn't.
- • Fixed display issues when running on iPod touch.
- • Fixed instruction name SPEC VIS showing as SPEC DSP.

4.1 – Apr 9, 2022
- New:
- • New instructions:
- P→S copies primary registers R0..R9 to secondary registers R.0..R.9
- SHOW STK and HIDE STK control the appearance of the stack in the display
- SPEC DSP produces special displays (all blanks, all "-", all "o")
- STEP VIS controls the appearance of the program step indicator below the display
- FLAG VIS controls the appearance of flag indicators 0 to 9 in the display
• MSG, MSGP, MSGS can show stack and register values below the display
• In the Program Listing:
Change the font and its size with a simple tap on the button F (2 fonts, 2 sizes)
Double-tap a USRn instruction to find its associated _LBL 9n
Double-tap a _LBL mn instruction to (m=7…9, n=1…5) to find the corresponding USRn instruction.
• Sample Programs may be hidden in the list of programs.
• Apply a filter in the list of programs to quickly find any program.
• All of the flags F0..F9, if set, may now appear in the display.
Default is F0..F2. Use the new instruction FLAG DSP to modify the range.
• Renamed functions MDY→YMD etc. to M.DY→Y.MD etc.
• When an error occurs, the stack display is automatically turned off.
• Updated User Keys tutorials: Tutorial (US), Tutorial (A4)
- • Sample programs:
(NOTE: Programs featuring User Keys are identified by a trailing dot (•).)
- _Demo 25• (showcases advanced features of RPN-25)
- Cost and Price Computations•
- 41-Sudoku Solver
- 41-Sudoku Puzzles
- 41-Discriminant of a Polynomial•
- 41-Palindromic Polynomials•
- 41-Garden-Hose Method•
- Bug Fixes:
- • User Keys were not responsive while the display showed the stack.
- • On loading an auto-start program, a command string could show up below the display in certain situations.
- • In the program listing, wrapping a multi-step number like .005 into a single step would drop the mantissa.
- • Program comment lines would behave oddly in some situations.

4.0 – Jan 24, 2022
- New:
- • User Keys
- Five keys, positioned directly above the display
- Up to 15 keys when using f and g modifiers
- Each key may have a legend (1 to 6 characters)
- Unnamed keys, or keys named with a single underscore, are ignored
- The legend and the operation associated with each key may be changed anytime, even by a running program
- Direct and indirect subroutine calls
Tutorial (US), Tutorial (A4)
- • Auto-Start
- A program saved with the setting Auto-Start turned on will automatically run from step 1 after loading.
- Bug Fixes:
- • Suppressed illegal key pairs in program mode: STO/RCL/GTO followed by EEX or R/S.
- • Program step display is now turned off if power is off.
- • If turned off, the program step display will not reappear on switching from PRGM mode to RUN mode.
- • Pasting a program larger than 100 steps into the display in 99-step mode would cause a crash.

3.3 – Nov 30, 2021
- New:
- • Data files:
- Create, load and modify files that contain register data only (R00..R99.)
- Run a program with different pre-recorded sets of register data.
- • New sample program:
- "41-Travelling Salesman" (demonstrates the data file feature)

3.2 – Oct 5, 2021
- New:
- • New instructions:
- Functions LambertW and LambertV
- STO YZT and RCL YZT: store and recall stack registers Y, Z, and T without affecting X
- Comparisons: x≈y and x≈0 ("almost equal").
Execute next step if x is closer to y or 0 than 2E-9, otherwise skip next step.
- CLRX. Executes CLX without disabling automatic stack lift.
- • New sample programs:
- "Interest Amount & PMT"
- "Discrete Fourier Transform"
- Bug Fix:
- • Pasting a text listing, e.g. from Mail, into the display would fail on certain instructions.

3.1 – Apr 16, 2021
- New:
- • Julian Day Number (JDN) accepts a time value in Y.
Illegal date and time values are replaced by current values.
- • In vintage mode, NOP instructions as targets of branches are not automatically converted into LBL instructions.
- Bug Fix:
- • Inserting a MSG operation would cause a crash

3.0.1 – Mar 18, 2021
- New:
- • Symbolic labels (00..99), not associated with step numbers.
- • Selectable program memory size (99 or 999 steps)
- • Single-step constants ("number literals")
- • Indirect branching via stack or regular registers
- • User messages ("texts")
- MSG text puts the message text right below the display.
- MSGP text puts the message text right below the display, then executes PAUSE.
- MSGS text puts the message text right below the display, then stops program execution.
text may be any text of up to 30 characters, left- or right-aligned or centered.
- • Program comments ("texts")
- // text
Show free text in any step of the program listing.
- • New instructions:
- SKIP n skips 0 to 9 program steps
- END stops program execution without returning to step 0
- JDN returns the Julian day number of a date
- DY2000 returns the number of days between a date and Jan 1, 2000
- SND nn plays sound nn (00..99)
- NUM2DIGS nn decomposes the 10-digit mantissa and stores the digits at Rnn..Rnn+9
- DIGS2NUM nn creates number from the 10 digits stored in Rnn..Rnn+9
- ROUND n rounds x to n fractional digits
- DELAY works like PAUSE but without the "PAUSE" message
- ISGi nn, DSEi nn: indirect versions of ISG nn and DSE nn
- SFi N, CFi N, FS?i N: handle flags indirectly via any stack register
- ST41, RC41: store and recall flag 41
- x3 returns the cube of x
- yx{0} is the same as yx, except that 00 = 1
- • Instructions INCR and DECR have been renamed to x+1 and x–1.
- • Long-press the step number to show or hide the last executed step
- • Entering a numeric value while pausing restarts the pause with each keypress.
- • Overflow on ∑+ and ∑- is now handled like on a real HP-25.
Setting flag 41 simulates the HP-41's behavior where
register overflow does not trigger a program error.
- • Flags 0…3 and 41 are shown on the display if set (F3 only if F41 is set.)
- • Refined behavior of RTN instruction: in a running program, if no return address is available,
program execution is halted. In interactive mode, step 0 is selected, as before.
- • To turn the calculator off, swipe the power button left. Simply tapping it doesn't suffice anymore.
- • Sample programs (most of them using symbolic labels):
- "41-Conics"
- "41-Stirling Numbers"
- "41-Stirling Numbers generalized"
- "41-Ramanujan Tau Numbers"
- "41-Multinomial Coefficients"
- "41-Fibonacci, Tri-, Tetra, k-nacci"
- "41-Fibonacci Multiprecision"
- "41-Apéry's Numbers"
- "41-Cyclic Universe 1a"
- "41-Cyclic Universe 1b"
- "41-Gauss-Legendre 4-point"
- "41-Diff. Equations 2nd Order"
- "41-Weierstrass-Durand-Kerner"
- "41-Norm of a Matrix"
- "41-Integral over a Sphere"
- "41-Arc Length of Parametric Curve"
- "41-Delta T (∆T)" (343 steps)
- "41-Giant Planets 2021"
- "41-Debye Function"
- "41-Multiple Series"
- "41-Successive Approximation"
- "41-Euler Transformation"
- "41-Illuminated Fraction of Moon"
- "41-NumInt - Double Exponential" (347 steps)
- "41-Euler-Lagrange Equation" (347 steps)
- "41-Downhill Simplex Method" (465 steps)
- "41-Bulirsch-Stoer Method" (541 steps)
- "41-Vector Calculus Curl, Div, Grad, Lapl" (627 steps)
- "41-Polynomials" (646 steps)
- "41-Anchorage Knik Arm" (861 steps)
- "41-Equilateral Triangle Puzzle"
- "TVM - Time Value of Money"
- "Dial"
- Bug Fixes:
- • TIME did not lift the stack
- • GTO 78 would incorrectly show as GTOc_COS

2.5 – Dec 17, 2020
- New:
- • Execute Extra Functions in RUN mode
- • Changed: double-tap display for Extra Functions; triple-tap for Settings
- • VIEW instruction to watch any memory or stack register while program is running
- • CLD (Clear Display) restores normal display after VIEW
- • DSMSTO and DSMRCL (Display Mode Store and Recall) store or restore display settings
- • REGSET sets any range of registers to a given value
- • REGSORT sorts any range of registers
- • xi≷yi: swap registers defined in X and Y
- • Date instructions:
DATE: current date (month, day, year)
DATE+: add number of days in X to the date in Y
∆DAYS: number of days between the dates in X and Y
DOW: day of the week, day number, week number
MDY➞YMD, YMD➞DMY, DMY➞MDY, etc.: date format conversions
- • 100 flags (up from 10), with states visible in extended register view.
- • Additional flag instructions:
FC? nn: tests if flag nn is cleared
FC?S nn: tests if flag nn is cleared, then sets it
FS?C nn: tests if flag nn is set, then clears it
TOGF nn: toggle flag nn
- • F? renamed to FS?
- • Flags 24 and 25 for error handling
- • Flag 41 for HP-41 compatibility
- • STFLAGS, RCFLAGS to store/recall groups of 32 flags
- • CFInd, SFInd clear/set indirection mode for flags
- • Additional comparison instructions:
x<NN, x≤NN, x=NN, x≠NN, x≥NN, x>NN: compares x with Rnn defined in Y
x<nn, x=nn, x>nn: compares x with Rnn
- • FILL RAN# now accepts a user-defined range
- • Mathematical and physical constants (CODATA 2018-compliant)
- • No change of program counter when ISG/DSE is executed on the keyboard
- • Indirect register addressing ignores sign and fractional part of the argument
- • In vintage mode, ISG, DSE, RND, RAND, and CLEAR ∑ are not shown and dont' work.
- • Sample programs:
- "41-Extrema"
- "41-Parabolic Interpolation"
- "41-Infinite Nested Radicals"
- "41-Large Factorials"
- "41-Multi- and Hyperfactorials"
- "41-Factorial Digits"
- "41-Kaprekar Series"
- "41-Golomb Sequence"
- "41-Euler Numbers 1"
- "41-Euler Numbers 2"
- "41-Harmonic Numbers"
- "41-Pell's Equation"
- "41-Kepler's Equation"
- "41-Easter Date"
- "41-Equilateral Triangle Puzzle"
- "41-Multivariate Gamma, Digamma"
- "41-Loxodromics"
- "41-Geodesic Distance"
- "41-Square Root modulo m"
- "41-Unrestricted Partitions"
- "41-Permutations"
- "Dial"
- "Amortization" (update)
- "TVM – Time Value of Money" (update)
- Bug Fixes:
- • ISG/DSE commands were susceptible to internal rounding effects
- • Deleting a block of steps could result in wrong branch targets

2.0 – Nov 8, 2020
- New:
- • 100 registers (up from 20)
- • New register view showing all 100 registers
- • Print program listing or program description, or email them as PDF file
- • Store/recall arithmetic between X and any stack register
- • Define register arguments directly in the Extra Functions list
- • New Extra Functions:
STO<op>nn, RCL<op>nn: direct register arithmetic between x and register nn (0..99)
STi<op>nn, RCi<op>nn: indirect register arithmetic between x and register nn (0..99)
xi≷ nn: swap x with register defined in register nn (0..99)
STO<op>N, RCL<op>N: direct stack arithmetic between x and stack register N
STi<op>N, RCi<op>N: register arithmetic between x and register nn (0..99) defined in stack register N
x≷ N: swap x with any stack register N
xi≷ N: swap x with any register nn (0..99) defined in stack register N
x<Rnn, x=Rnn, x>Rnn: compare x with any register nn (0..99)
ISG nn, DSE nn: increment/decrement register nn (0..99) and skip if condition met
ISG N, DSE N: increment/decrement stack register N and skip if condition met
ISGi N, DSEi N: increment/decrement register nn (0..99) defined in stack register N and skip if condition met
SND nn: play sound defined by value (0..99) in register nn (0..99)
CLR ALL: clear all registers (R00..R99)
CLR EXT: clear all extended registers (R20..R99)
CLRGX: clear a block of registers with optional skipping
REGCOPY: copy a block of registers
REGSWAP: swap two blocks of registers
REGS ALL: show all registers (R00..R99)
SIGN: return -1, 0, or +1 if x is negative, positive, or zero
PRIME?: set flag 0 if x is a prime number (x ≤ 4,294,967,295)
ERF/ERFC: Gauss error function and complementary error function
Bernoulli: returns xth Bernoulli number
BesselJ: Bessel function of the 1st kind of order y of x
BesselY: Bessel function of the 2nd kind of order y of x
Zeta: return the Riemann zeta function ζ(x)
ERROR nn: replaces the previous functions ERROR 1 and ERROR 2
- • Optional vintage features
Send 19390104 to register 0 to toggle some features on and off:
- New program step replaces the next step instead of being inserted
- ISG, RND and CLEAR ∑ labels are hidden (but still functional)
- • A program running longer than one minute will emit a short beep when executing the final GTO 00 command
- • Tap f or g, then the PRGM/RUN switch to see a 12- or 24-hour clock
- • Improved accuracy in extreme cases of yx with positive, integer x.
For example: 1.0000001^227 = 674530.4707, not 674530.4760
- • Double-tapping "Continuous Memory" doesn't show the Info screen anymore.
Use the info button instead.
- • Call up "What's New" anytime from the Info screen
- • New sample programs:
- "Amortization"
- "Bell Numbers Advanced"
- "Decimals of e"
- "Decimals of Pi"
- "Multi Curve Fitting"
- "NPV and IRR"
- "Square Roots & Integer Power
- "TVM – Time Value of Money"
- Bug Fixes:
- • Fixed display issues when using the iPhone in "Zoomed" mode
- • The RND function didn't work correctly in regions using a comma as decimal point
- • Double- or triple-tapping the empty program listing could cause a crash
- • Setting the haptic feedback level didn't check sufficiently for the correct code
- • CLR ALL from RPN-32 was translated incorrectly
- • Compatibility with iPhone 12

1.5 – Sep 24, 2020
- New:
- • More than 80 new functions added
- • Much simplified inserting of Extra Functions:
1. Triple-tap display in PRGM mode
2. Double-tap desired function
- Bug Fix:
- • The thousand's separator setting was lost after restarting the app

1.0 – Sep 2, 2020