RPN-32 CE — The first photo-realistic HP-32E simulator for the iPhone

Version 3.9

RPN-32 CE is a photo-realistic simulation of Hewlett-Packard's third-generation scientific calculator HP-32E.

Released in July 1978, the HP-32E was the mid-range scientific member of the so-called "Spice" series. It was discontinued in 1983.

RPN-32 CE is a massively enhanced, yet fully compatible version of the HP-32E. Unlike the original, it's also programmable.



Tap the wrench symbol or double-tap the display to access the
settings screen:

iPhone 6 Screenshot:



Version History RPN-32 CE

3.9 – Jan 15, 2024

  • Internal optimizations and cleanups
      New sample programs are now automatically loaded when opening the list of programs.
      Changed the default font for program listings from Courier New to Menlo.

  • Modified the info screen to avoid clipping by the Dynamic Island.

  • • Added a line ("TOP") to the sample program on the info screen.

3.8 – Dec 23, 2023
  • New:
  • • Runs on Apple Silicon Macs (Notes)

3.7 – Sep 28, 2022
  • New:
  • • Set the haptics feedback level in the Settings

3.6 – Apr 9, 2022
  • New:
  • • Change the program listing font with a simple tap on the button F
  • • Sample Programs may be hidden in the list of programs
  • • Apply a filter to quickly find any program

3.5 – Oct 5, 2021
  • New:
  • • Sample program "TVM - Time Value of Money"
  •   (Run financial calculations involving payments, interest rate, present and future values, and periods or number of payments.)

3.4 – Dec 15, 2020
  • New:
  • • When executed interactively, ISG and DSE do not change the program counter.

  • Bug Fixes:
  • • Deleting a block of program steps could result in wrongly adjusted branch targets in some cases
  • • ISG/DSE commands were susceptible to internal rounding effects
  • • RCi did not lift the stack when executed by a program

3.3 – Nov 8, 2020
  • New:
  • • Print (or mail as PDF) the program or its description.
  • • A program running longer than 1 minute will emit a sound when finished (by GTO 00).
  • • 12- or 24-hr clock (by tapping f or g, followed by P/R)
  • • Improved accuracy in extreme cases of yx with positive, integer x.
  • • Call up "What's New" anytime from Info screen

  • Bug Fixes:
  • • Display issues when operating the iPhone in "Zoomed" mode
  • • RND didn't work correctly in regions using comma as decimal point
  • • Double- or triple-tapping the empty program listing area caused a crash

3.2 – Sep 2, 2020
  • New:
  • • NOP instruction shows as LBL if targeted by GTO or GSB
  • • Improved import of HP-25 programs created by the GO-25 simulator.
  • • Haptic feedback may be turned off and on:
      – Store 1939010X in R0 to set amount of feedback
        (where X = 0: no feedback, X = 3: maximum feedback)
        Storing other values in R0 doesn't change the setting.

  • Bug Fixes:
  • • Deleting a range of steps (DLx,y) did not always correctly adjust targets of GTO/GSB
  • • The instruction RND, as imported from GO-25, was named incorrectly

3.1 – Mar 20, 2020
  • New:
  • • Register view shows localized formatted value while number is being entered

  • Bug Fix:
  • • Using scientific notation could crash the app in some regions, i.e. Australia, Sweden, Slovenia

3.0 – Jan 25, 2020
  • New:
  • • Support for iOS 13: Dark Mode, file sharing
  • • Email programs directly from the program list
  • • Replacing registers by pasting a program into the display is now optional
  • • Many under-the-hood optimizations
  • • iOS 11 or later

  • Bug Fixes:
  • • The keys GTO, STO, and RCL didn't cancel a pending flag command
  • • Executing the summation command ∑ with a very large argument would cause a crash

2.8 – Aug 12, 2019
  • New:
  • • New editing commands in programming mode:
      – DELx,y (= f DEL) deletes range of program steps
      – DELEnd (= g DEL) deletes all steps from current position to end of program

  • Bug Fix:
  • • The instruction GSB 90 could not be entered

2.7 – July 2, 2019
  • New:
  • • Long-press program listing to change font of description from proportional to non-proportional and vice versa.
  • • New program "Curve Fitting" added.

2.6 – May 28, 2019
  • Bug Fix:
  • • Crash on double-tapping GTO nn in program listing when step nn didn't exist

2.5 – Apr 6, 2019
  • New:
  • • Register R.9 is now formatted in Register View for easy interpreting in ISG/DSE commands

  • Bug Fix:
  • • Commands STi and RCi had mixed key codes in PRGM mode

2.4 – Feb 5, 2019
  • New:
  • • Optional stack display (swipe display right/left)
  • • Indirect addressing of all 20 registers via the R.9 register (on f and g keys)
  • • Set flags are shown as highlighted register number in Register View
  • • Flags are saved and loaded along with programs
  • • Warning dialog on deleting program memory or program files
  • • On-screen error descriptions
  • • Improved reliability of comparisons
  • • New programs: Gamma Function (Spouge), Incomplete Gamma

2.3 – Jan 9, 2019
  • New:
  • New sample programs:
      – Simult. Equations in 2 Unknowns
  •   – Fibonacci Numbers
  • • Improved Program Listing (tap "?" in listing screen)
  • • New buttons at top to select TOP, MID or END of program
  • • Built-in descriptions of top functions (see Settings)
  • • Except on step 00, pressing R/S shows next command to be executed; releasing R/S starts executing
  • • Renamed button "Load" to "Save"
  • • Changed "Undo digit" sound to same as with other CuVee calculators
  • • Support for late 2018 iPhones

  • Bug Fixes:
  • • Improved reliability of DSE and ISG commands
  • • Digit separators were not cleared when starting number entry with EEX

2.2.1 – Nov 6, 2017
  • New:
  • • Improved compatibility with iPhone X

  • Bug Fixes:
  • • Incorrect app icon shown when installed on iPad
  • • Number format issues and possible crash when using the EEX key

2.2 – Oct 24, 2017
  • New:
  • New sample program:
      – Progressions (arithmetic, geometric, harmonic)
  • • Improved trig functions for extremely small angles
  • • Support for iOS 11 and iPhone X

  • Bug Fixes:
  • • Separators didn't always disappear when changing display mode to SCI or ENG
  • • Copied display values with exponent could be improperly formatted

2.1 – Sep 6, 2017
  • New:
  • New sample programs:
      – First Order Differential Equations
      – GCD and LCM (Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple)
      – Rectangular / Hyperbolic Polar Coordinates Conversion
      – Rectangular / Spherical Coordinates Conversion
      – Sum of Digits Game

2.0.1 – May 23, 2017
  • Bug Fixes:
  • • RND didn't work correctly on certain values
  • • Deleting steps caused wrong address corrections in some cases

2.0 – Apr 26, 2017
  • New:
  • New commands:
      Real subroutines with 4 levels of nesting
      Loop control
      10 flags

1.5 – Feb 27, 2017
  • New:
  • New commands:
      ABS (Absolute value of x)
      NOP (No Operation)
      RAND (Random number)
      CSTK (Clear stack)
  • • Full complement of compare operations (12 in total)
  • • Improved FRAC function
  • • Pause length changed from 2 secs to 1 sec
  • • Import and run programs created on the HP-25 simulator GO-25

  • Bug Fix:
  • • Pasting a GTO command into the display could crash RPN-32
  • • RND didn't round correctly certain values in SCI and ENG mode

1.4 – Oct 2, 2016
  • New:
  • • Calculator sounds mix with background audio and have their own volume control
  • • Now with 30 sample programs included

1.3 – July 26, 2016
  • New:
  • • Pause activity is shown in main and register view
  • • Improved results for SIN, COS, TAN with very large arguments
  • • Decimal addition/subtraction for higher precision

1.2 – June 3, 2016
  • New:
  • • Added comparisons with zero (tap and drag finger into keyboard area before releasing)
  • • Register view gets updated while a program is running
  • • Run/stop and single-step program without leaving register view
  • • Added copy of actual display to register view
  • • LastX may be used in register arithmetic operations, e.g. RCL + yˣ
  • • Tapping any key stops program execution
  • • SST and BST may be cancelled by dragging finger off key
  • • Shared programs include calculator settings and registers
  • • Improved handling of values pasted as text
  • • Improved address correction when deleting program steps
  • • Support for uncommon number groupings (e.g. India)
  • • Added copy of R/S key in bottom-right corner for easy access even when programming keys are turned off

  • Bug Fixes:
  • • Fixed x < y and x > y comparison functions involving very large numbers
  • • Fixed automatic target correction of GTO command at end of program memory
  • • Fixed rounding in SCI mode
  • • Entering too many digits was not properly handled

1.1 – March 22, 2016
  • New:
  • • Registers, display format and angular mode are saved with programs
  • • Program loading sets display format and angular mode
  • • Registers may be preset by pasting multi-line text into the display
  • • Current program step is shown below display. Tap to show or hide.
  • • In program mode, progress bar shows fill status of program memory
  • • User programs are listed separatedly from sample programs

  • Bug Fixes:
  • • Automatic stack-lift was not re-enabled in certain situations
  • • Large arguments of tanh(x) could cause a crash
  • • GTO 83 was not programmable

1.0 – February 18, 2016
  • First public version.


RPN-32 CE is available here:




Looking for a manual?




Solving problems with your HP Calculator

Solving Problems

Lösen von Problemen

Résoudre des problèmes


Get RPN-32 CE and its sister app RPN-38 CX at a bargain:

The Spice Pac


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