Accrued Interest - 360 Day Basis
What is the amount of accrued interest and the net amount on $450 for 50 days at 7%, figured on a 360-day basis?

450 50 7 = 4.38 (accrued interest) 454.38 (net amount)
Accrued Interest - 365 Day Basis
What is the amount of accrued interest and the net amount on $450 for 50 days at 7%, figured on a 365-day basis?

450 50 7 = 4.32 (accrued interest) = 454.32 (net amount)
  Note that accrued interest calculations for both 360 and 365 days are calculated in the same step:
X = accrued interest (360-day basis), Y = principal, Z = accrued interest (365-day basis)
Discounted Notes
Calculate the discount amounts and annual yields on a discounted note having a face value of $1000 discounted at 6%, for 37 days.

37 6 1000 = 6.17 (discount, 360-day basis)

= 6.04 (annual yield, 360-day basis)

= 6.08 (discount, 365-day basis)

= 6.04 (annual yield, 365-day basis)
Future Value of Compounded Amount
What is the future value of $500 invested at 6% for 7 years if interest is compounded annually?

7 6 500 = 751.82
Rate of Interest for Compounded Amount
What annual rate of interest must be obtained in order to amass a total of $10,000 in 10 years on an investment of $6,000?

10 6000 10000 = 5.24
Number of Periods for Compounded Amount
You now have $887 in a savings account paying 5.4% compounded monthly. How long will it take to reach one million dollars? (This example assumes that K contains the default value 12.)

5.4 887 1000000 = 1565.21 (months) = 130.43 (years)

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