User's Library Individual Programs |
00226D - Algebraic Notation |
This program turns the HP-67/97 into an algebraic calculator with 10 levels of parentheses and 11 pending operations. |
00239D - Random Integers |
Given a random seed between 0 and 1, this program will generate as many as 216 pseudo-random integers without repetition. |
00251D - Head Loss in Pipes
Mar 25, 2017 |
To move a given volume of liquid through a pipe requires a certain amount of energy.
An energy or pressure difference must exist to cause the liquid to move. A portion of that energy is lost to the resistance to flow.
This resistance to flow is called head loss due to friction.
00252D - LNAP (Ladder Network Analysis Program) |
This program will provide the transfer function (20 log magnitude and phase) of a ladder network consisting of 1 to 4 nodes and up to 8 branches.
Sketch |
00297D - LC-LNAP (LC Ladder Network Analysis Program) |
This program will provide the transfer function (20 log magnitude and phase) of a ladder network consisting of up to seven LC branches.
Sketch |
00301D - Second Order Active Network Pole and Zero |
This program will provide the coefficients of the numerator and denominator polynomials of the transfer function H(s) = N(s)/D(s)
of a generalized second order active network as shown in this Sketch.
Figures: Example, EE-08A. |
00315D - Curve Fitting Using Cubic Splines |
This program will fit a cubic spline interpolating curve through 2 to 9 equally spaced points.
| |
00648D - Arithmetic Progressions |
Given three quantities of an arithmetic progression, computes the remaining two quantities. |
00653D - Multiplication of Two 25-Digit Numbers |
This program multiplies two numbers of up to 25 digits each and returns the exact result. |
00680D - Gaussian Elimination for up to 12 Equations
Apr 19, 2017
This program uses Gaussian Elimination to solve a linear system of
up to 12 equations and unknowns. Documentation |
00761D - Complete Calendar / Julian Date Functions |
This program converts Julian (Old Style, OS) or Gregorian (New Style, NS) calendars to Julian Day Number (JDN) and vice versa,
computes day of week (DoW), and permits interconversion of Julian and Gregorian dates. |
01602D - Fast Factor Finder With Automatic Answer Accumulation |
Factoring of large integers. |
01650D - Random Sequence of Numbers |
Randomly selects all of the numbers between 1 and N, without repeating any numbers. |
01683D - Open Channel Design
Mar 15, 2017 |
This program will aid in the design of open channel sections. The flow, channel slope,
and Manning's "n" are required input, and for trapezoidal and rectangular sections the side slope is also required.
Manning's "n" Coefficients |
01884D - Noughts and Crosses |
Written by 8-year-old Zvi Schreiber, this program allows to players to play Noughts and Crosses (or Tic-Tac-Toe.)
Picture of Zvi (from HP Key Notes, 1978) |
03055D - Is it prime?
Aug 2, 2016
This program tests whether an integer N, N > 2, is prime.
It also finds the lowest prime number P, n ≤ P, and if desired will continue to display successive primes indefinitely. |
03250D - Doppler Effect - Interchangeable Solutions |
This program provides interchangeable solutions for both classical and relativistic Doppler shifts. |
03949D - Relativity - Interchangeable Solutions |
This program provides interchangeable solutions for the basic relationships of Einstein's Special Relativity.
Additionally, interchangeable solutions
for e = mc2 are provided. |
03952D - How Old Are You? |
Given the present date and a birthdate, this program computes present age, number of days to next birthday, age on next birthday. |
03994D - Fast Factorial Factor Finder |
Given an integer n, the program produces the prime factors of n! (n factorial) and the multiplicity of each factor. |
04338D - Fast Combinations, Permutations, and Factorials |
This program computes combinations, permutations, and factorials for positive integers up to and including 1099. |
04356D - Engine Out! |
Try to land an aircraft with a failed engine. |
50024 - Sentential Logic For Up To 9 Unknowns |
Given an expression F (logical puzzle, TTL circuit, Boolean equation) in n unknown propositions and Boolean operators,
the program finds all solutions of F = "true" or F = "false". |
50089 - 5th Degree Equation |
This program solves 5th degree equations of the type x5 + ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e = 0.
Roots are displayed in rectangular or polar form. |
50495 - Multiple Integrals |
This program computes the integral of functions of 1, 2, or 3 variables over a finite interval, a rectangular region in the plane,
or a parallel-epiped in 3D-space by means of the rectangle rule. |
50520 - Approximation by Legendre Polynomials up to Degree 7 |
A set of m+1 equally spaced data points (xi,yi) (i=0..m)
is approximated by a sum of Legendre Polynomials Pk(t).
See program 50813 below to turn the result into a power series with argument x. |
50653 - n-th Degree Polynomial (n ≤ 18) |
This program finds the roots of a polynomial of up to degree 18. |
50684 - Linear Systems In Up To 7 Unknowns |
This program solves linear systems of up to 7 unknowns. |
50685 - Determinants Up To 8x8 |
This program calculates a determinant of degree k (k = 2...8). Its elements have to be entered only once. |
50784 - Fourier Coefficients |
This program will compute Fourier coefficients of a function defined on a finite interval.
The function may consist of up to three parts and should not be continuous. |
50812 - 5x5, 4x4, 3x3 Matrices |
This program calculates cofactors and the determinant (if one exists) for 5x5, 4x4, and 3x3
matrices which are entered directly or by data card. |
50813 - Conversion of Legendre Polynomials into Power Series |
This program is an optional complement to program 50520.
It converts the sum of Legendre Polynomials ŷ = ∑akPk(t) into an ordinary power series
ŷ = ∑ckxk. |
50925 - Linear 2nd Order Boundary-value Problem |
The program computes by 4th order Runge-Kutta integration the solution of the linear
differential equation y" = f(x,y,y') for boundary conditions of the third kind
α1y(a) + β1y'(a) + γ1 = 0 α2y(a) + β2y'(a) + γ2 = 0
The program thus comprises boundary conditions of the first kind (β1 = β2 = 0) and second kind (α1 = α2 = 0 ).
51352 - Chebyshev Economisation |
Given a polynomial p(x) = ∑ak*xk (k = 0..n) over an interval
I = [xL,xR] and ε ≥ 0, this program computes another polynomial
q(x) = ∑bk*xk (k = 0..m) over I with m ≤ n and ε1 := Max |p(x)-q(x)| ≤ ε |
51403 - Double Precision Arithmetic For Positive Integers |
This 3-card program provides basic arithmetic for integers of up to 18 digits.
A 4-level stack and storage registers are provided |
51658 - Approximation By Summing 4 Functions |
This program computes the coefficients A, B, C, D of the curve fitting
y = Af1(x) + Bf2(x) + Cf3(x) + Df4(x) = f(x). |
51772 - Texas Simulator |
This program allows you to use your calculator in Algebraic Notation.
You can use brackets like in algebra, e.g. (3+5)x(7+12). Up to five pending operations are supported. |
51892 - Literal Derivation of Functions |
This program finds the derivative of functions of x. Functions may include up to
10 external constants and a number of operations such as sin, cos, ln. |
52046 - Square Root to 182 Digits |
This program calculates up to 182 digits of the square root of any integer greater than 1 and less than 8 digits. |
52112 - Palindromic Numbers |
The program reverses the order of the digits of an integer and checks whether the integer equals the reversed one.
If not, the two integers are added and the sum is inversed again, and so on until the number becomes a palindrome. |
60060 - Multiply Two Numbers Up To Twenty Digits |
This program multiplies two numbers of up to 20 digits each and returns the exact result. It features easy number input. |
60123 - New and Full Moon Date |
This program finds the date of New Moon and of Full Moon for any month m and any year y between 0 and 2100. |
60377 - Fourier Series - Harmonic Analysis - Discrete Domain |
Given n data points that are samples of a periodic function y(x),
this program approximates y(x) by a Fourier series of the same period as y(x).
60453 - Elliptic Lowpass Filter Design |
This program helps design elliptic lowpass filters, given amin
(min. stopband loss), amax (max. passband loss),
fb (upper passband edge), fh (upper stopband edge). If the degree is ≤ 30, the program also finds the zeros and poles of attenuation. |
60454 - Factors of a Number |
This program will find all prime factors of a positive integer n. |
60534 - Areas, Length of Arcs |
This program calculates areas, length of arcs, volumes and surfaces of revolution generated
by curves expressed either in rectangular or polar coordinates. |
60535 - Numerical Analysis of Functions |
This program provides several of the most useful routines that may be found in numerical
analysis for the purpose of analyzing a given function of x. |
60582 - Summation of an Infinite Alternating Series |
This program computes the sum of alternating series of the form:
y(0) - y(1) + y(2) - y(3) +... = ∑(-1)i y(i) for i = 0...∞. |